Timeline Block For Gutenberg
Timeline Block Plugin for Gutenberg allows you to create a beautiful vertical & horizontal “Content-Timeline-Block” and default “Post-Timeline-Block” by Ascending or Descending order based on random, title, date, menu-order of default posts or custom posts With Slider. You can use it to showcase important dates and milestones for your company’s history, and display blogs engagingly and practically.
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07th December 2022
- WordPress Version
5.1 or higher
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- PHP Version
5.6 or higher
About Timeline Block
- Timeline Block Plugin for Gutenberg allows you to create beautiful vertical & horizontal “Content-Timeline-Block” and “Timeline-Block”.
- Timeline Block Plugin for Gutenberg is a Gutenberg add-on with many additional options for Post-Timeline, Page-Timeline and Content-Timeline to provide the vertical & horizontal timeline Layout.
- It is a standalone Gutenberg solution to give wow design possibilities for your blog posts, pages and content with a clean design and fully responsive layout.
- Users can show their stories, events, appointments, concerts, future, and history by using Timeline Blocks on your website.
- Users can easily create a timeline in real-time using Gutenberg blocks and settings.
- Users can create a compact timeline, it means a timeline without a lot of space between stories or items.
- It’s developer friendly and also you can easily customize timeline stories by using default query.
Left-Side Vertical Timeline
– With this option you can create left-sided vertical content-timeline or post-timeline.
– Orientation Options allow to change Orientation of Connector, also there is three option left, right & both-side and you can select at a time any one.
Right-Side Vertical Timeline
Both-Side Vertical Timeline
– Using this option you can create both-sided vertical content-timeline or post-timeline.
– Orientation Options allow to set Connector in center of Timeline blocks.
Image Slider With Each Block On Content-Timeline
Video With Each Block On Content-Timeline
– We gives you a option to add video on each block.
– Video Allows you to user interaction and gives option like “Play”, “Pause”, “Volume”, “Full-Screen” and “Download”.
Both-Side Horizontal-Timeline
– Using this option you can create both-sided horizontal content-timeline or post-timeline.
– Orientation Options allow to set Connector in center of Timeline blocks.
– With the Arrow Alignment option you can set Connector point to Left, Right and Center.
Top-Side Horizontal-Timeline
Bottom-Side Horizontal-Timeline
– With this option you can create bottom-sided vertical content-timeline or post-timeline.
– Orientation Options allow to change Orientation of Connector, also there is three option left, right & both-side and you can select at a time any one.
Image Slider With Each Block On Horizontal Content-Timeline
– We gives you a option to add image slider on each block.
– Inside the Gallery / Image Slider setting we have options like “Link to”, “Image Size”, “Image Border Radius”, “Slider Icon Size”, “Image Vertical Spacing”, “Slider Icon Color Settings”.
– Link to : With the link-to option you can link media file or attachment file.
– Image Size : With the image-size option you can set images size like “Thumbnail”, “Medium”, “Full”.
Video With Each Block On Horizontal Content-Timeline
– We gives you a option to add video on each block.
– Video Allows you to user interaction and gives option like “Play”, “Pause”, “Volume”, “Full-Screen” and “Download”.
Item/Block Setting For Timeline-Block
– Using Item/Block setting you can set text alignment of your block title and content.
– Inside the Item/Block setting we have option “Text Align” to set block text “Left”, “Right”, “Center” and “Justify”.
Heading, Content And Date/Custom Text Typography For Timeline-Block
– We gives you a separate typography option for heading, content and Date/ Custom text, so you can set different font-family or their respective font-size, line-height and font-weight.
– Even you can set Date format as per your requirement.
Control Spacing Setting For Timeline-Block
– Using this setting you can manage “Connector Spacing”, “Blocks Bottom Spacing”, “Block Border Radius”, “Block Inner Spacing”, “Block Detail Spacing”.
Icon & Connector Settings For Timeline-Block
– With the Icon option you can select Icon from Dropdown Option for Timeline.
– Also you can specify the “Icon Size”, “Icon Background Size”, “Icon Border Width”, “Icon Border Radius”, “Connector Width”.
-With the Icon color setting you can specify color for “Timeline Line Color”, “Timeline Icon Color”, “Timeline Background Color”, “Timeline Border Color” also you can set your custom color.
Custom-Post-Type Timeline
– We gives you a option to select custom-post-type to make vertical and horizontal Timelne-Block.
– In the Post-Query Setting you can select your Custom-Taxonomy, Set number of items which you wants to show, Order by and Sort Order for Custom-Post Listing, Set number of items to offset.
– Post-Settings For the Timeline lookup In that you can Set appropriate Text-Align, Animation, Easing and Box-Shadow.
Custom-Post-Type Setting
– In the post timeline content setting gives you a ability to show your “Feature-Image”, Image-Size like “Full”, “Medium”, “Thumbnail”, even you can show or hide require fields like “Post-Title”, “Post-Author”, “Post-Date”, “Post-Excerpt”.
– Post Settings For give length to your “Post-Excerpt”, “Show/Hide Read-More Button”, “Read-more as Link or Button”, “Customize Read-More Text”, “Open Post in New Tab”.